Product Description
This product is compatible with the following Operating Systems:

Protect endpoints from all attack vectors at industryleading efficacy with a single agent architecture
- Defend against ransomware and other emerging threats withmultilayered protection that fuses signatureless technologieslike advanced machine learning, behavior analysis and exploitprevention with proven protection capabilities like intrusionprevention, reputation analysis and more
- Gain enhanced visibility into suspicious files via tunableprotection to make better policy decisions
- Use deception techniques to expose hidden adversaries anddetermine their intent to improve security posture
- Shield commonly used applications against vulnerabilityexploits and isolate suspicious applications from maliciousactivity
Realize integrated cyber defense at scale
- Detect threats anywhere and respond with SEP byintegrating with network security infrastructure such asweb and email gateways
- Integrate with EDR for incident investigation and responseleveraging the same SEP agent
- Integrate with existing IT infrastructure for automationand orchestration with open-APIs
Enable business with a high-performance,lightweight solution
- Optimize content update frequency for endpoints withnetwork bandwidth constraints without compromising
security efficacy
- Boost performance with a lightweight agent and virusdefinition sets that require minimal network bandwidthusage (70% less compared to SEP12)
- Speed detection with advanced design techniques andpatented real-time cloud lookup that delivers faster
scanning times (15% faster compared to SEP12)
System Requirements
You can check the details here: System Reuirements
Installation Guide
You will have the instructions together with your activation code on the delivery email.